Monday, 21 February 2011

James Blake's album works SO much better if.. erase from your mind the idea that it's a dubstep record.

It really isn't.

I admit I was pretty surprised to find that it's mostly sort of quite polite electronic folk-soul.

It's this

plus a dash of this

Nowhere near as good as either of course.

A few of the tracks are actually quite insipid, much more anaemic than expected, and the dreaded glottal stop of Blake's delivery renders at least one track virtually unlistenable.


At its best it suggests a true, emerging artist experimenting with dynamics and sonic space.

And this is great. In the air tonight for the blubstep generation.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

February feeling

five for feb

This track is just so ferocious and evil. It cannot be stopped.

The ghost of some 50s doo-wop band played through an electronic noise box. Underwater.

Toro Y Moi is spring sex music

White-powder soul whose individual elements; an impossibly sunny, smothering sax, New Order-ish guitar lines, vaguely prefab-y vocals, shouldn't really work - but they do. And how.

Teenage girls playing the music of 40-year-old Mojo readers sounds all kinds of wrong, but this is so lovely and timeless, it's hard to resist.


hurry up summer

white and nerdy. And brilliant. And also kind of horrible.

Saturday, 19 February 2011